Welcome to the 2025 KAEA Conference through Sched. Here you can purchase conference tickets, select desired sessions, view your schedule, and leave feedback.
For additional conference information regarding hotel accommodations, proposal submissions,award nominations and more see the KAEA webpage at https://www.kansasadulteducation.com/conference
This session will be a high-level overview of the changes Kansas Adult Education will experience with its upcoming new data management system, LACES. We will discuss the similarities and differences between AESIS and LACES, along with some of the useful features that will be available with the new data management system. This session is an initial introduction and is appropriate for attendees who work extensively with AESIS. In-depth LACES training for all users will be provided in the coming weeks and months.
Associate Director for Adult Education, Kansas Board of Regents
Susanna is a passionate learner, educator, organizer, and creator. She has devoted her career to Adult Education and loves seeing learners, programs, and systems thrive.